A Chapter of the Women's Bar Association of the State of New York (WBASNY)



by Sherry A. Bishko

It is with great pleasure and unbridled enthusiasm that I ask all of our members to join me in kicking off and ushering in the WWBA’s 50th Year!   50 years ago, in 1975, the WWBA founders launched our beloved organization, prior to the formation of WBASNY.  Could they have envisioned WWBA membership exceeding 550 attorneys, and WBASNY having thousands?  Could our foremothers have dreamed the impact the WWBA would have on the legal community, and the progress we have made in forwarding our mission of promoting justice for all and using the law to advance the social, economic, and legal status of women? 

This is our year to shine and showcase all that the WWBA has accomplished and look forward to implementing all that is yet to be done.  Our 50th Anniversary Committee has been hard at work planning events and celebrations.  The WWBA’s Past Presidents are central to this celebration and we will be honoring them in many ways throughout our 50th Anniversary Year:

  • AFTERNOON TEA! - We have a fabulous “Afternoon Tea” that will be held on Wednesday, April 9th at Mulino’s at Lake Isle.  Save the date, plan to wear your hats and gloves, and enjoy tea, scones, champagne and bellinis!  I hope you will all join us in honoring our WWBA Past Presidents on April 9th. 
  • PAST PRESIDENT HIGHLIGHTS – We will be highlighting each of our Past Presidents in our email blasts and “inking” their incredible advice and historical knowledge by having them answer two short questions, “How has your WWBA Presidency impacted your life and career?” and “What advice would you give to future WWBA leaders?”  Their answers are fantastic and will provide a wealth of knowledge with a goal of recording their voices in historical perpetuity. 
  • ANNUAL DINNER -  Our fabulous 50th Anniversary Annual Dinner and Installation of Officers and Directors will be held on Wednesday, June 4th,at the Mamaroneck Beach and Yacht Club, and will highlight our history and offer some wonderful surprises.  Our distinguished Keynote Speaker for the occasion will be announced soon!  Stay tuned for details.

More surprises planned, more to come.  Each and every day I am honored to be a part of the WWBA.  This fall was a beehive of activity, events, CLEs, programs and networking events that provided an abundance of energy to the WWBA.  I look forward to continuing to grow and expand, and I look forward to celebrating the WWBA’s 50th Anniversary Year with each of you and honoring all that our membership has accomplished while looking forward to all that we have left to do with excitement and enthusiasm! 

PO Box 926, Hartsdale, NY 10530
Phone: (914) 505-6045

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