A Chapter of the Women's Bar Association of the State of New York (WBASNY) |
PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE by Sherry A. BishkoThe WWBA’s Anniversary Year has started off with a Bang! Our WWBA Committees have been hard at work planning and presenting numerous programs and CLEs throughout the months of January and February including a fabulous Mentorship Program with nearly 70 registrants, a CLE on joint custody and parenting coordinators and a CLE on the implications of the Loper decision and the overturning of Chevron Deference. Our accomplished WWBA members prepared program materials, agendas and put together the panels that resulted in amazing programs each providing a superb experience for our members. Thank you to all for your hard work and time! Members of the judiciary graciously gave their time and perspectives as panelists and contributed to making our January and February programs successful. The WWBA is privileged to have incredible members of the judiciary who regularly give their time and expertise to our organization. I relayed this message to the 9th JD on January 30th where I was invited to provide remarks on behalf of the WWBA at the Judicial Induction Ceremony where seven new Judges took the oath of office. I thanked our Judges who regularly give their time to the WWBA and asked that our newest Judges continue to support the WWBA and that we need them! I circled back to the major theme of my Presidency “increasing membership”, and relayed that having timely programs that include members of the Judiciary as participants and panelists, makes the WWBA dynamic and worth joining! The WWBA’s 50th Anniversary Year continues with fantastic programs, CLEs and networking events throughout February, March and into the spring. Save the Date for our WWBA Afternoon Tea Celebrating Past Presidents on April 9th and our 50th Anniversary Annual Dinner on June 4th! Lots to do and Lots to Celebrate! |