A Chapter of the Women's Bar Association of the State of New York (WBASNY)

WWBA Standing Committees 

By Laws [Join]
Committee Chair: Hon. Kim Berg
This committee is responsible for examining the by laws and proposing amendments thereto not inconsistent with the By Laws of the Women's Bar Association of the State of New York.

Corporate & Commercial [Join]
Committee Chair: Lisa M. Bluestein, Virginia Trunkes
This committee arranges programs for the development of knowledge and special information on corporate and commercial law.

Criminal Law [Join]
Committee Chairs: Elizabeth Gazay, Hon. Amy Puerto, Emily Winograd Leonard

This committee arranges programs for the development of knowledge and special information on criminal law and focuses on the revision and interchange of ideas concerning criminal law.

Families, Children & The Courts [Join]
Committee Chairs: Daniela Israelov, Joy S. Josep
h, Leora Wexler and Amanda K. Rieben
This Committee provides programs and community outreach for the exchange of ideas and the dissemination of information to attorneys on topics concerning children and their families involved in Family or Supreme Court proceedings.

Grievance/Ethics [Join]
Committee Chairs: Norma Lopez, Deborah A. Scalise
This committee advises members on subjects of professional ethics and the standards of conduct appropriate for attorneys. It also develops procedures for handling inquiries or complaints regarding the conduct of members inconsistent with the Code of Professional Responsibility.

Judicial Screening [Join]
Committee Chairs: Arlene Wexler, Robin Carton 
This committee interviews and rates proposed candidates for Supreme Court in the Ninth Judicial District and for the County Court, Family Court and Surrogate's Court in Westchester County.
Note: Membership to this committee is not automatic. Prospective members must meet specific requirements including five years of active practice of law and three years as a WWBA member, as well as an abstention from political activities. Please contact the Chair(s) of this committee to obtain all requirements.

Judiciary [Join]
Committee Chairs: Dorothy Finger, Lisa Florio, Hon. Jodi Kimmel 
This committee arranges programs designed to further knowledge on the nature and responsibilities of the judiciary. The committee also endeavors to promote an increase in the numbers of women on the bench and to improve the administration of justice.

Lawyering & Parenting [Join]

Committee Chairs: Leah Cobean, Soumya Evans, Michelle Greenberg, Jennifer Gray
This committee provides members with an opportunity to meet other attorneys in order to discuss problems, issues and topics of special interest to those combining the roles of lawyer and parent. The committee hosts lunch time seminars, which focus on the special needs of managing a household and a career. The committee is very proud of its creation of the “Family Friendly Award,” which recognizes a firm or company providing a policy of family friendliness. The award is given out at the WWBA Annual Dinner in June.

Legislation [Join]
Committee Chair: Natanya Briendel, Amy Wochos
This committee reviews proposed legislation and makes recommendations concerning such legislation to the Board of Directors, the membership, and the State Board.

Matrimonial [Join]
Committee Chairs: Robin Carton, Andrea Friedman, Jennifer Jackman, Georgia Kramer, Natalia Gourari
This committee arranges programs about matrimonial law and engages in the study, revision and interchange of ideas concerning matrimonial law.

Membership [Join]
Committee Chairs: Shari R. Gordon, Joanna Tulman
This committee monitors the status of membership for purposes of certification to WBASNY, recruits new members and promotes renewal of existing members.  Much of the work of this committee is accomplished through various forms of outreach to members and potential members, as well by promoting the benefits of membership at programs offered by the WWBA and other groups.

Networking [Join]
Committee Chairs: Ilene Hartzband, Jennifer Netrosio Johnson, Jessica Piperis
This committee provides members with an opportunity to meet other attorneys in an informal atmosphere in order to expand professional contacts, discuss legal problems with attorneys who have dealt with similar problems, and discuss topics of special interest to women attorneys.

New Lawyers [Join]

Committee Chairs: Elise Mahover, Miranda Zumbado
This committee is dedicated to understanding the needs of and challenges faced by newly-admitted attorneys today.  In furtherance of its commitment to provide valuable programs of interest to newly admitted attorneys, the New Lawyers' Committee hosts an annual Meet the Officers Networking Event each Fall, in addition to organizing various other networking, CLE, and career development programs throughout the year.  The New Lawyers Committee maintains a strong relationship with the various standing and ad hoc committees of the WWBA to ensure that its committee members gain exposure to multiple practice areas.  The New Lawyers Committee also engages in a volunteer program whereby its members are able to assist with event registration tables and attend events free of charge! 

Professional Development/Placement [Join]
Committee Chairs: Juliet Gobler, Sakeena Naqvi
This committee develops, promotes and presents career planning and development programs for members of the Chapter. In addition, it strives to encourage a strong exchange between Pace Law School, the Chapter, and the legal community with respect to employment opportunities. Through networking and speaking events, WWBA Members are informed about all of the available opportunities that exist for attorneys outside of the traditional law firm life. The committee provides a means for attorney members who are currently pursuing non-traditional legal careers, to stay connected to the legal community by keeping them informed regarding their state bar requirements, CLE classes, Pro Bono opportunities, and networking events

Programs [Join]

Committee Chairs: Natanya Briendel, Amy Puerto
This committee arranges programs to be presented at our General Membership meetings.

Public Relations [Join]

Committee Chairs: Lisa Denig
The Public Relations Committee is responsible for ensuring WWBA events and news are released to regional publications and media outlets, including social media, in an effort to gain awareness of WWBA’s mission and purpose, and to attract new professionals to our association.  This committee works to promote WWBA members, WWBA programs, and the value of WWBA membership to encourage continued active participation within our organization.

Real Property [Join]
Committee Chairs: Tracy Forrest, Joanne Romano
This committee arranges programs for the development of knowledge and special information about real estate law and engages in the study, revision and interchange of ideas concerning real estate law.

Sponsorship [Join]
Committee Chairs: Michelle Calvi
This committee is responsible for creating and growing funding sources to help the WWBA to effectively fulfill its mission and serve its membership. It works to promote within our community a better understanding of the WWBA and the legal profession. In doing so, it identifies potential sponsorship partners and fundraising opportunities, secures those fundraising relationships at various levels of support, communicates with existing donors and sponsors on a regular basis, and ensures that they are provided value for their commitment to the WWBA. We provide value to these partners through exposure and promotion within our organization and community, at our events, on our website, in our newsletter, through social media and many other outlets available to the WWBA. We are thankful to our many sponsors and donors, without which the WWBA would not be able to fulfill its mission of promoting justice for all.

Taxation [Join]
Committee Chair: Patricia Rusch Bellucci
This committee arranges programs for the development of knowledge and special information about taxation law and engages in the study, revision and interchange of ideas concerning taxation law.

Trusts & Estates [Join]
Committee Chairs: Lonya Gilbert, Karen Walsh, Sara Meyers
This committee arranges programs about trusts and estates law and engages in the study, revision and the interchange of ideas concerning trusts and estates law.

PO Box 926, Hartsdale, NY 10530
Phone: (914) 505-6045

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