WWBA's Professional Development Committee
Invites You To
Ethics and the Pro Bono Representation of Nonprofits
1.5 CLE Credits in Ethics and Professionalism
This course is appropriate for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys.
Serving on a nonprofit board? Can you take your lawyer hat off? When can you (did you?) put it on? This program will present topics including pro bono representation of a nonprofit, a nonprofit board as a client, withdrawing representation, limited representation, and the dual role as board member and counsel.
Presented by: Susan Edwards Colson, Esq. Courtney Darts, Esq., Pro Bono Partnership
Space is Limited
Please RSVP to Susan Edwards Colson at susan@edwardscolsonlaw.com or register on-line at www.wwbany.org by Monday, November 8 Attendance is limited to WWBA Members and Invited Guests.
Join the WWBA online at www.wwbany.org
The opinions expressed by the program presenters are the presenters’ own and do not reflect the official position of the WWBA or WBASNY.
PO Box 926, Hartsdale, NY 10530 Phone: (914) 505-6045executivedirector@wwbany.org